International Logistics (ILI) is a worldwide comprehensive logistics management founded in 1993 having its Headquarters in Beirut Lebanon.
ILI Corporate Officers have more than 60 years of accrued experience in Airlines, international air & sea shipping and forwarding business, serving a diversified customer base world wide, mostly in the Middle East region
where over 140 regular customers are currently served.
ILI Centre of Operations is located at 1225 West Saint George Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036 USA. This centre controls a worldwide operational system, consisting of local Representatives and Forwarding Agencies.
All ILI Agents are reputable, duly licensed by IATA and other local and international official organizations related to the industry.
The Centre uses the state of the art communication and computerized systems to interact directly with ports, airports, customs authorities & Security Administrations in compliance with prevailing laws and security regulations.
The corporate officers, managers and handling crews are extensively trained
and adamant with all the required knowledge to meet the highest standards
in the industry.
Our philosophy in our duty call is to provide customers, efficient, timely, secured and economical logistics programs, which fit all their needs from/to anywhere in the world.